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(254/308) 1786 - CtagsSideKick doesn't like "#define" in C function body

If a "#define" (ex : #define CONSTANT 1) is present in a C function's body (right after "{", for instance), plugin "Sidekick" considers that lines after this definition as being part of the CONSTANT definition.......
So, after such a line, even if in a function body, Sidekick is still indicating that cursor is located in CONSTANT definition.

Expected behavior : only definition line should be considered. Not the remaining part of the function.

My config :

jEdit version: 5.1.0
Daily build: 2013-07-28
Java runtime version: 1.6.0_29-b11
OS name: Windows 7
OS version: 6.1
OS arch: amd64

Active plugins: Beauty (0.7.0), BufferTabs (1.2.4), CodeLint (0.3)
Color Chooser (0.1), Common Controls (1.7.3), Completion (0.3)
Configurable Fold Handler (0.8), Console (5.1.3), CtagsInterface (2.7.0)
CtagsSideKick (1.5), EclipseIcons (1.0), ErrorList (2.1)
FoldViewer (1.1), GnuRegexp (1.0.1), Highlight (2.0)
Info Viewer (1.6.2), JDiff Plugin (3.3.0), JNAPlugin (3.2.4)
LucenePlugin (4.0), MacroManager (1.3.1), MarkerSets (0.9)
Menu Editor (0.5), Nested (0.1), Oolong (1.0.0)
Project Viewer (3.5.3), QuickNotepad (5.0), SVNPlugin (1.7.5)
SideKick (1.6), SuperAbbrevs (2.0), SwitchBuffer (1.1.1)
WhiteSpace (1.0.2), XML (2.8.7), XercesPlugin (2.9.1)

Submitted chrdo - 2014-04-28 13:24:38.881000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group
Resolution None


2014-12-06 17:53:08.963000

- **summary**: SideKick doesn't like "#define" in C function boby --> CtagsSideKick doesn't like "#define" in C function body
- **Group**: -->

2014-12-06 17:53:09.355000

Am I to assume you are reporting a bug against Ctags Sidekick then?
That is typically the parser I use for C Files.

2014-12-06 19:19:23.170000

Yes, this issue is related to Ctags Sidekick.

2014-12-07 17:24:00.337000

Please attach a test.c file as an example, so I can see what you mean.